Archives February 2015

SEMINAR: Power BI As a Tool For Making Business Decisions



Power BI brings all your data together, from Excel spreadsheets, cloud services, on-premise data sources, etc. It helps you to explore your data, monitor what matters and analyze data in a short time. With Power BI you can create interactive dashboards, monitor your campaign effectiveness and make smart decisions.

Sign up for the seminar on the link below:

Sign up


Date and time: Tuesday; March 10th, 2015; 9 AM – 12 PM (CET)
Location: Microsoft Hrvatska, Horvatova 82 (6th floor), 10010 Zagreb, Pharos room
Price: Free
Contact person: Hrvoje Kusulja, COO 3 PRO d.o.o., +38513333850


9:00 – 9:30 Registration
9:30 – 11:30 Power BI – Business data analysis | Hrvoje Kusulja
11:30 – 12:30 Questions & Answers, fingerfood


Microsoft Adopts the ISO/IEC 27018 Privacy Standard


Microsoft has adopted the International Organization for Standardization and International Electrotechnical Commission’s standard 27018 for their cloud offerings. That is a big step in setting a uniform, international approach for protecting the privacy of data stored in the cloud.


“ISO/IEC 27018:2014 establishes commonly accepted control objectives, controls and guidelines for implementing measures to protect Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in accordance with the privacy principles in ISO/IEC 29100 for the public cloud computing environment.”

Azure is the first cloud platform which adopted the  ISO 27018 set of privacy controls. Office 365, Dynamics CRM Online and Microsoft Intune have also adopted the standard for protecting customer’s privacy. There are defined regulations for transmitting data over public networks, data storage and strict processes for data recovery.

You can see here all security certifications related to Office 365 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online.

100GB of Free OneDrive Storage for Dropbox Users

Microsoft is giving 100GB of free OneDrive storage for 1 year to current Dropbox users. That is a quite big cloud space compared to Dropbox storage.

Click here and get your free storage today!


Store your photos, videos and documents and access them from your computer, tablet or phone. You can also share files with your family, friends or co-workers.

OneDrive comes with Office Online, so you can manage your Word, Excel, PowerPoint documents anytime on any device with an Internet connection.

OneNote Completely Free for Mac and Windows


From now on, OneNote is completely free for both Windows and Mac computers. You will have to use it via OneDrive because it does not support direct local storage, but you will still be able to access your notes while you are offline. Click here for instructions on how to expand your OneDrive with an extra 100 GB of storage.

You are able to sync OneNote with all platforms: Mac, iPad, iPhone, PC, Windows tablets, Windows Phone, Android.


“One place for all your notes”

The OneNote service provides a cloud API, so you can connect it to any application:

  • OneNote Clipper if you want to capture something from web pages like news, articles, blog posts, etc.
  • Office Lens for screenshotting documents with Windows Phone
  • for emailing notes to OneNote
  • and much more…


New free features include:

  • Page history
  • Password protected sections
  • Embedding files

Download OneNote here, and use it for as long as you want!


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