10 razloga zašto organizirati dokumente u SharePointu



Bez obzira na veličinu vaše organizacije, intranet je neophdan za uspješnu suradnju i komunikaciju među zaposlenicima.

1. Povoljna cijena

SharePoint je dostupan svim korisnicima Office 365 usluge te za razliku od kompleksne vlastite infrastrukture ne zahtijeva veliki budžet.

2. Branding i dizajn

Vi birate kako će vaše intranet sučelje izgledati, a da Vam pritom nisu potrebne posebne dizajnerske sposobnosti.

3. Pristup dokumentima s bilo koje lokacije

Ukoliko se nalazite na poslovnom sastanku izvan ureda, a trebate pristupiti određenim dokumentima, zahvaljujući oblaku im možete pristupiti – čak i sa svojih mobilnih uređaja.


4. Sigurno dijeljenje dokumenata s kolegama unutar ili izvan organizacije

5. Drag & drop

Uploadati dokumente je lako! Povucite mišem dokument u željeni folder i voila, online je!


6. Verzioniranje dokumenata

Kronološko spremanje iteracija dokumenata je više nego dobro došlo, a osim Word, PowerPoint i Excel dokumenata, verzioniranje je podržano i za PDF i CAD datoteke, fotografije, videozapise, itd.


7. Notifikacije

Postavite notifikacije za svaku biblioteku tako da budete obaviješteni svaki put kada netko pokuša modificirati ili izbrisati neki dokument. Također će vas obavijestiti o onome što je dodano/promijenjeno u biblioteci.
Notifikacije možete podesiti na sljedeći način:


8. Meta podaci

Možete organizirati meta podatke na način koji olakšava posao. Recimo, dokumente unutar SharePoint sustava možete pretraživati prema autoru, tipu dokumenta, datumu, itd.


9. Ovlasti

Nekoliko je razina ovlasti: View Only, Limited Access, Read, Contribute, Edit, Design & Full Control. Vi, kao voditelj odjela ili organizacije, možete odrediti koji će zaposlenik imati koju razinu ovlasti, kojim stranicama i dokumentima može pristupiti, koje može samo pregledavati, a koje uređivati.

10. Custom aplikacije

Ukoliko trebate specifično poslovno rješenje, SharePoint store nudi veliki broj aplikacija koje se lako implementiraju u sustav, od kojih je većina besplatno.

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Modern Local Government – Solutions Based on Internet Intelligent Devices for Smartphones



Microsoft Croatia organized a free seminar intended for local governments. In 20 minutes we presented on how to improve everyday operations and raise productivity.

Here are a few solutions that we have talked about:

Find Parking

Searches free public parking spaces – sensor signals the state of parking spaces to the cloud, which allows the user to have real-time insight into free parking spots – via the web or a mobile application.
Benefits: avoid traffic jams, reduce fuel consumption, reduce pollution, generate statistics on traffic jams at different times


Measures air quality (PM, CO, NO2, and CO2 concentration), temperature, humidity, UV radiation, and noise – mobile sensors record information and store them in the cloud, either for internal or public use.
Benefits: environment monitoring via smart data display (GPS and maps), alarms based on the measured values

Smart Public Transit

A solution which provides last-minute ticket purchasing or public transport subscription renewal.
Benefits: online ticket purchasing, ticket history tracking, notifications on ticket expiration

Power BI – Cloud data presentation & analytics

A suite for presentation and comparison of different business data (from new or existing databases), and real-time interaction with reports.


Microsoft Office 365 – SharePoint Online – Intranet system for information management

Perfect for archiving and document classification, allows for quick and easy searching, versioning and change recording, and provides you with the possibility to work on any device from anywhere.


CRM Online

Online relationship management system for interactions with citizens. Enables question submission, response status monitoring, and citizen satisfaction measurement.


G2C (Government to Citizen) – e-business system

A web portal and mobile application for end users – citizens. It provides information about transactions, possible financial debt, and payment information.

In case you are interested in these solutions, contact us and arrange a meeting. We offer consulting services, IT implementation, maintenance and support, system designing and development.

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Skype for Business Technical Preview Available for Office 365 Enterprise Users


The Skype for Business client was officially launched this year on March 18th and, as from now, a free technical preview is available for all eligible Office 365 Enterprise users.

The technical preview provides early access to new features:

  • Skype Meeting Broadcast
    • Available for all Office 365 customers
    • Enables Skype for Business meeting up to 10 000 people
    • Suitable for public webinars
    • Integrated with Bing Plus for real-time polling and with Yammer for dialogue during the broadcast
  • PSTN Conferencing
    • Available for U.S. Office 365 users only
    • Allows people to join an online meeting via smartphone or tablet from locations with no Internet access
  • Cloud PBX with PSTN Calling
    • Also available for Office 365 U.S. users only
    • Provides traditional phone calls with the possibility of managing call features such as hold, forward and transfer

New features are not finalized yet. General availability will most likely be at the end of the year.

About Skype for Business

Skype for Business is an excellent solution if you want to bring communication and collaboration to a new level. It gives you everything you need: instant messaging, audio and video calls, online meetings and sharing – all in one app that works with Office.


You can access it anywhere, from your favorite device or web browser. All you need is an Internet connection.

High-level security protects your conversations with strong authentication and encryption. Also, you control employee use by adding and removing subscriptions and assigning features according to their collaboration needs.

You’re not an Office 365 user yet? Contact us and feel free to ask anything you would like to know about its implementation.

Yealink Easy Collaboration Solution for Lync/Skype for Business



We present a new solution on the market designed for a better communication and collaboration experience – Yealink IP phones that help you to increase your organization’s productivity, with cost-effective models suitable for organizations of any size.

Yealink T48G and T22P Lync-Enabled IP phones are optimized for Microsoft’s Communications Technologies. They are compatible with Lync 2010 or 2013, and they also work with Skype for Business.

The T22P is a cost-effective IP business phone with an intuitive user interface and HD audio for excellent voice quality. We recommend it for basic usage scenarios in office environments.

Extend your communication experience with the T48G, a Gigabit IP phone with a 7-inch scratch-resistant color touch screen and with excellent Yealink Optima HD sound quality, which gives you an amazing audio experience.


  • Familiar User Experience
  • Phone functions for every employee: Boss/Admin, Phone Lock
  • Switching between Lync and SIP functional modes

We provide consulting related to Yealink devices and Microsoft Lync / Skype for Business system integration. If you are interested in buying and implementing, feel free to contact us.

Skype for Business Collaborative Workplace



Skype Rooms

Last week Microsoft rebranded Lync into Skype for Business. It was announced that Video Conferencing Solutions – Skype Rooms – will be provided by Polycom. The new series of video collaboration solutions is called Polycom RoundTable®; an affordable and easy-to-use video solution for small and midsized businesses and teams, including voice, video and content collaboration.

Skype and Office 365

Skype for Business will be fully functional in the Cloud. Microsoft is partnering with big telecommunications companies in order to make this possible. Their plan is to integrate Enterprise Voice into Office 365, so that Customers will be able to call people on any phone.

Skype for Business is coming in April and it will be available to Office 365 customers, as well as for on-premises deployments. You’ll be able to connect with your colleagues and with anyone who has a Skype account.

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