WEBINAR: Povećajte poslovnu agilnost uz IBM FlashSystem storage

Današnji poslovni procesi zahtijevaju IT infrastrukturu visokih performansi. Zahvaljujući IBM FlashSystem storage rješenjima, takva tehnologija je postala pristupačna organizacijama svih veličina.

Zato smo u kolaboraciji s IBM-om odlučili organizirati webinar kako bismo svima približili najnoviji IBM FlashSystem 5200.

Što može IBM FlashSystem 5200 učiniti za vaše poslovanje?

3 PRO kao dugogodišnji IBM partner ima niz uspješnih implementacija FlashSystem storage-a kod mnogih korisnika. Kao rezultat, vidljiv je značajan poslovni rast svih organizacija koje su se odlučile na navedenu tehnologiju.

Ono što FlashSystem 5200 može pružati jest skalabilnost s obzirom na povećanje poslovnih potreba.

To je jedna rack jedinica koja nudi mnogo!

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Why choose IBM FlashSystem?

The IBM FlashSystem family is not just for big organizations; it includes entry-level products suitable for small and mid-size businesses, as well as being able to satisfy mid-range and high-end needs. You no longer need a complex mix of storage solutions.

Why is FlashSystem ideal for you business?

  • There are no software licensing costs for entry-level machines – software is already included in the machine price.
  • IBM Storage Insights allows you to monitor IBM storage, as well as 500+ multi-vendor systems from a single pane.
    • The free version comes bundled with all FlashSystem products.
  • The HyperSwap functionality, available for most machines, can enable 100% availability.
  • With up to 5x data reduction you can store more with less hardware.

IBM Storage Insights

FlashSystem Solutions

FlashSystem 5010

A budget-friendly solution with enterprise-class features that increases agility; gives you up to 70% better performance compared to previous models, and includes a 3-year warranty. Suitable for small business storage needs.

FlashSystem 5030

Mid-range workloads do not have to be expensive. FlashSystem 5030 offers scalability and high-performance data compression and de-duplication.

FlashSystem 5100

Enables performance, scalability, and flexibility in a 2U rack unit. It provides blazing fast response times at an affordable price point.

FlashSystem 7200

High-end storage capabilities for organizations that need enterprise-class mid-range storage. Suitable for real-time analytics, AI apps and multi-cloud architectures that require consistent high levels of performance.

FlashSystem 9200

Brings the highest levels of performance, security, and availability. It’s NVMe-optimized storage for modern enterprises.

Test Drive

Contact us if you want to try IBM storage for free. Test Drive gives you a chance to experience the performance of new IBM’s FlashSystem solutions.

3 PRO as an IBM Gold Business Partner can demonstrate one of the available Storage Systems on your location, together with its capabilities, so that you could witness all the benefits for your business firsthand.

Test Drive is available until September 30, 2020.

IBM FlashSystem Storage Deduplication



Two new IBM FlashSystems with space reduction features are now available – the A9000 and A9000R include pattern removal, deduplication, and real-time compression. They are architected as a modular, hyper-scalable grid-based system.

The A9000 utilizes FlashCore™ technology and, along with MicroLatency® modules, provide high density, low latency, and high I/O performance.

These all-flash storage systems are ideal for enterprise cloud environments that require fast, reliable, and redundant data storage.

Inline Deduplication

The inline deduplication eliminates and reduces duplicate data which helps you manage exponential growth. In the flash-optimized data reduction process, it is the second data reduction stage that processes and consolidates data before it is written. The benefit of this kind of deduplication is that duplicate blocks are never written to the destination.

In the illustration below you can see how the original data is reduced via the deduplication process.


In this process:

  • Hashes are calculated only once (upon write)
  • Hashes are stored in the metadata
  • Data is compared by comparing the hash
  • The block size is 8KB, although 4KB alignment is also supported and allows a higher deduplication ratio

Data reduction with deduplication alone could reach to up to 30:1 (96.7% savings).

The following illustration shows how data reduction and protection mechanisms built into the FlashSystem A9000 and A9000R work:


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