3 PRO rebrands as Nodefusion, expands into the USA

3 PRO rebrands as Nodefusion, expands into the USA

After 15 years of successful operation in the IT market, we’re taking a new major step forward. We are constantly working to ensure that our services are of high quality and recognized among customers, and the time has come to change our branding and expand into new areas. The adventure for us is just beginning.

What have we changed?

  • Our name – from 3 PRO to Nodefusion
  • Headquarters Address – Podbrezje X. 9 A, HR-10020 Zagreb.
  • Logo – as you can see, we have a new visual identity! However, we decided to keep our familiar orange color.
  • Internet domain – from 3pro.eu to nodefusion.com, including our websites and email addresses. All our email messages will come from the new domain.
    Also, all specific inquiries can be sent to our Support, Customer Care, and general email, active on the new domain.

“We’re establishing a universal, global brand, which will make us easily identifiable worldwide”. – Marko Kuntic, CEO

The Office

You can still find us at our old address – Krcmarici 22, HR-10010 Zagreb. Due to the COVID-19 situation in the world, and for your and our protection, we still don’t host meetings in person, with third parties, on our premises.

Structure of the Organization

Nodefusion consists of several teams:

  • Management
  • Administration
  • Customer Care
  • IT Support
  • Development

Our new branch in the United States

We’re extremely excited to announce that we are expanding our business to the United States, though our newly incorporated branch: Nodefusion Inc.. This step presents a great business challenge, but we’re highly motivated and looking forward to working with new customers and partners in the US market.

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