Azure Backup Secures Your Business

Azure Backup Secures Your Business



Data is the currency of today’s business and therefore require proper care. A large number of companies and their IT departments do not develop Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery plans for possible crashes or data loss. In the past, such things were reserved only for enterprise businesses. Today, the situation is different; you don’t need expensive on-premises infrastructure for your BCDR solutions, and companies of all sizes can have their own backup systems. Azure Backup replaces or complements on-premises or off-site backup solutions with a cloud-based solution.

 It’s a simple, reliable, and cost-effective option for backing up data

How does Azure Backup work?

Azure Backup works with any apps and data you have, including file servers, SharePoint Server, SQL Server, Exchange, and many others. With Azure Backup Server, which is included at no additional charge, you also have the flexibility to keep a local copy of your backup, so you can reduce the dependency on off-site backup availability and accelerate recovery times. All your data in the public cloud can be encrypted at rest, and is securely transmitted over the network. Only you have an encryption passphrase or key. It does not limit the amount of inbound/outbound data, and also does not charge for the data that is transferred.


Instead of switching backup copies from disk to tape, and then moving the tape to an off-site location, Azure Backup keeps your data for up to 99 years!

Why is backup important?

People usually learn the importance of backup when their data is already lost forever. Any attempt at recovering lost data can cost you money, and especially time. You should implement a system that will protect your data to make sure that this never happens. Azure Backup aims to provide a simple, consistent management experience delivered directly from the cloud. As an example, you can enable protection in three simple steps: choose the scenario, choose the retention period, and enable backup. Do not let data loss happens to you.


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