Archives August 2018

Fast and reliable – IBM FlashSystem 9100

IBM has announced a new powerhouse storage solution – IBM FlashSystem 9100, which combines the performance of Flash and NVMe (Non-Volatile Memory Express).

FlashSystem 9100 can help you to accelerate business execution, increase ROI, reduce costs, keep data safe and secure, and optimize storage efficiency.

The new FlashSystem is one of the fastest storage arrays on the market!

It’s built on IBM Spectrum Virtualize and IBM FlashCore technologies, includes software-defined storage functionalities, and is multi-cloud enabled.

7 reasons why to get it

Performance and flexibility – multiple petabytes of effective data storage in two rack units

Intelligent support – available via included Storage Insights, which identifies potential issues and creates tickets when support is needed

Multicloud and container capabilities – IBM Spectrum Virtualize, IBM Storage Insights, IBM Spectrum Protect Plus Multi-Cloud starter for FlashSystem 9100, IBM Spectrum Copy Data Management Multi-Cloud starter for FlashSystem 9100, IBM Spectrum Virtualize for Public Cloud Multi-Cloud starter for FlashSystem 9100 and IBM Spectrum Connect

A single platform that includes NVMe-powered all-flash performance and FlashCore reliability, unlimited scalability, and data services that can transform and modernize existing systems

IBM Spectrum Virtualize – a wide range of data services: automated data movement, synchronous and asynchronous copy services, high availability configurations, storage tiering, compression, deduplication, etc.

Peace of Mind – a package of guarantees, upgrade programs, and extended support

Extended system capabilities – Data Reuse, Protection and Efficiency solution, Business Continuity and Data Reuse solution, Private Cloud Flexibility and Data Protection solution

Storage Insights

Storage Insights  helps you to efficiently manage complex storage infrastructures. Its task is to monitor the basic health, capacity and performance of storage resources, and to engage with IBM Support if needed.


We Have Moved to a New Office


We are happy to announce that we have moved to a new location. The new office will allow us to increase our capacity, and we believe that will create a more productive environment so that we can serve our customers better and faster.

Our new Main Office address:

Our new location is Krčmarići ulica 22, HR-10010 Zagreb.

Our phone number remains the same, as well as our primary email address.
So, if you’re in the area, feel free to stop by and say hi! We look forward to seeing you at our new address.

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