Microsoft has announced that Windows Server 2003 is approaching its end of life. The official date of the end of extended support is July 14, 2015. This includes all versions of WS2003 and all the sub-editions. Microsoft will no longer provide patches, security updates, support or technical updates, and you also won’t be able to receive online technical assistance. Upkeep costs for older hardware will inevitably increase. Microsoft Small Business Server 2003 will also be affected.

“It’s time for a change”
The solution is to upgrade your server software to Windows Server 2012 R2 or to Microsoft Azure, if you want to switch to the Cloud. WS2003 was very stable, but this is no longer enough in today’s highly dynamic, Cloud-oriented world. A lot of enterprises still use WS2003, and it’s running on millions of systems; running applications on a server that has no support is very risky from a business standpoint. Do not wait for the last minute to migrate – rushing the process can result in many problems, errors, security issues, etc.
Migrating from WS2003 is an investment into your company’s safe future.