Tag office apps dark mode

Office 365 Dark Mode – Yes or No?

Did you know that dark mode is now available for your Office 365 applications?

You can turn it on for Office apps like Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, SharePoint, Planner, Teams, To do, OneNote, etc. And, of course, it can be turned off anytime.

Advice: Use it where the default mode is not appropriate; for example, in dark environments.

Pros and cons?


  • It saves energy, but only if your devices have an OLED screen.
  • It reduces eye strain in low light conditions.
  • The screen glare is minimized.


  • White text on a black background is harder to read.
  • It can be challenging to read long texts in dark mode.
  • Dark themes are an inferior option for eye strain in bright light conditions.


Come to the dark side. We have cookies!

So, dark mode – yes or no? It depends mostly on your personal preferences. We recommend that you use dark themes in low light conditions, and light themes during the daylight. Test to see which option suits you best.

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