Lenovo ThinkSystem SR650 V2 – Latest Mainstream Workhorse

Lenovo ThinkSystem SR650 V2 front panel

The most popular server model from Lenovo – ThinkSystem SR650, made to meet the needs of small, medium, and large businesses, as well as cloud providers, has just been significantly refreshed.

The latest variant, SR650 V2, is a two-socket 2U rack server that enables high performance, designed for various workloads: cloud computing, virtual desktop, databases, enterprise apps, email, streaming, web, etc.

It comes with one or two 3rd Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors (formerly known as Ice Lake), which support up to 40 cores, and core speeds up to 3.5GHz.

Lower data latency, higher capacities, and greater value.

The server enables quick data access, which is convenient for real-time analytics, fraud detection, financial transactions, and other similar functions.

Lenovo ThinkSystem SR650 V2 rear panel


Base CTO models:

  • ThinkSystem SR650 V2 – 3 year Warranty
  • ThinkSystem SR650 V2 – 1 year Warranty
  • ThinkSystem SR650 V2 – SAP HANA configurations with 3-year warranty

There are two available models based on the drive bays at the front:

  • ThinkSystem 2U 3.5″ Chassis with 8 or 12 Bays
  • ThinkSystem 2U 2.5″ Chassis with 8, 16 or 24 Bays

Order your ThinkSystem SR650 V2 today!

Contact us for more information regarding configuration and pricing.



New Lenovo Servers with AMD Milan Processors

Lenovo has announced new ThinkSystem and ThinkAgile HCI products, with the new “Milan” generation of EPYC processors from AMD. They are built to provide outstanding performance and represent some of the most powerful solutions on the server market.

ThinkSystem Servers

The existing rackmount dual-socket ThinkSystem SR645 (1U) and SR665 (2U) server models are compatible with the newest processor offering. These systems can already be configured and ordered with the new processors.

ThinkAgile HCI

The exact release dates for the latest solutions in the ThinkAgile portfolio, which include the new CPU models, are not yet known, but they can be expected sometime in Q2 of 2021.

Upcoming ThinkAgile HCI models are:

  • ThinkAgile VX3575-G
  • ThinkAgile VX5575
  • ThinkAgile VX7575 & ThinkAgile VX7576

Other HCI systems from Lenovo are expected to be refreshed in the future as well.

Improve your business today!

These solutions are suitable for organizations of all sizes. 3 PRO can size the solution according to your workloads and advise you on which system architecture would be best for your business case.

For more information, including consulting and project pricing, feel free to contact us.

Lenovo 25. godinu postojanja brenda obilježava uz dva nova portfelja – ThinkSystem i ThinkAgile

Ove godine obilježava se 25. godina postojanja Think branda, kojom prilikom Lenovo predstavlja još dva nova – ThinkSystem i ThinkAgile, svoje najsveobuhvatnije portfelje proizvoda vezanih uz poslužitelje, sustave za pohranu podataka i mrežna rješenja. Ovi će brandovi povećati zadovoljstvo korisnika jer se prilagođavaju rastućim potrebama poslovanja. Lenovo dodatno naglašava kako je nova oprema projektirana tako da bude kompatibilna s ranije nabavljenim rješenjima, a pritom se kombiniraju najbolje System x i ThinkServer tehnologije u jedinstvenu cjelinu.

Lenovo ThinkSystem

ThinkSystem portfelj je baziran na novoj generaciji hardvera i Intel® Xeon® Scalable procesorima te obuhvaća servere, pohranu podataka i mrežne sustave. Prilagodljiv je brzim promjenama, smanjujući složenost i troškove IT okruženja. ThinkSytem poslužitelji osmišljeni sun a način da su spremni za novi val inovacija u oblaku, softverski definiranim okruženjima, umjetnoj inteligenciji te podršci analitici I odlučivanju.

Lenovo ThinkAgile

ThinkAgile je novi portfelj harversko-softverskih rješenja s predefiniranom arhitekturom integriranih i konvergiranih sustava, a osmišljen je kako bi pojednostavio i ubrzao implementaciju rješenja hibridnog oblaka. Primjerice, Lenovo ThinkAgile za Azure Stack pomaže ubrzati digitalnu transformaciju tako što omogućuje korištenje Azure usluga, inače dostupnih u javnom oblaku z vlastitog podatkovnog centra. Na taj se način omogućuje veća usredotočenost na razvoj usluga i aplikacija u oblaku, a manje na infrastrukturu, te se omogućava korisnicima koji manipuliraju strogo reguliranim podatcima njihov smještaj na vlastitu lokaciju. Azure tehnologije olakšavaju razvoj modernih aplikacija i usluga, dok primjena Azure Stack-a osigurava i elastičnu skalabilnost prema javnom oblaku kad god je to potrebno.

Lenovo ThinkSystem i ThinkAgile proizvodi se očekuju na tržištu tijekom ljeta.

3 PRO, kao dugogodišnji autorizirani i certificirani Lenovo partner, može ponuditi savjetovanje, dizajn, implementaciju i održavanje Lenovo rješenja koja bi najbolje odgovarala potrebama vaše organizacije. Također, kao direktni Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider, možemo osigurati naplatu korištenja Azure Stacka u skladu s načinom obračuna predviđenim od strane Microsofta. Obratite nam se s povjerenjem.

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