Advanced Technology Days 12: Azure EMS Functionalities


One of the biggest IT conferences in Croatia – Advanced Technology Days – will be held next month at the Hypo congress center in Zagreb. Novelties from the Cloud world will be discussed, with a focus on Azure and Office 365.

Our COO, Hrvoje Kusulja, will talk about the Azure Enterprise Mobility Suite – a technology that can raise the security of organizations to a higher level. He will elaborate on some new possibilities, such as Intune Conditional Access, Azure Active Directory Premium, Azure Rights Management, and Cloud App Discovery.


Date: November, 16th & 17th 2016


Hypo kongresni centar, Slavonska avenija 6/II, Zagreb


Conference registration

Advanced Technology Days 11: Hrvoje Kusulja – What’s New in the Office 365 Admin Menu


We would like to invite you to the 11th traditional Microsoft conference – Advanced Technology Days – where our COO Hrvoje Kusulja will talk about novelties inside the Office 365 Admin Menu.

Presentations on this two-day conference will be delivered by some of the most recognized domestic and foreign Microsoft experts.

The conference topics are based on the Mobile-first, Cloud-first strategy, so the presentations will be focused on Cloud computing and Mobility. The conference also presents an opportunity for exchanging experiences with IT professionals with different areas of expertise and scope – from developers and system engineers to project managers.


Date: November, 19th 2015
Time: 10AM


Cinestar, Arena Centar
Hall 5

Edit: Schedule updated

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