CRO Exchange Rates New Version Released

CRO Exchange Rates New Version Released

sharepoint-cro-exchange-rates-ui3 PRO has recently released a new version of CRO Exchange Rates, custom SharePoint application for all SharePoint users that work with the HRK (Croatian kuna) currency. It shows the most frequently quoted currencies against HRK, which is the base currency, and you have the possibility to select rates from different dates.

Rate data is collected from the Croatian National Bank (HNB).

The application is available in English and Croatian languages, and is not compatible with Internet Explorer 8.

What’s new?

We’ve added a currency calculator which allows you to convert a chosen currency to any other. It shows you buying, middle and selling exchange rates. You can choose which currencies you want to show on your list in the web part settings.


From now, you can see an expanded list from EUR and USD to all common currencies.

We’ve also redesigned the app UI. As you can see, we kept to a minimalistic design. The clear and simple UI allows you to manage the app easily.

You can download CRO Exchange Rates for free on the SharePoint store.

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