Crohoster & Nodefusion Rebranding

Crohoster & Nodefusion Rebranding

Our brands Crohoster and Nodefusion have been redesigned. We published new web, Facebook and Twitter pages. New colors and modern logos are connected into a simple design.



Web pages are designed to be user friendly: a single page concept with simple navigation. You can easily find information that you are looking for. On the new Crohoster and Nodefusion web pages there is detailed information about the services we provide. If you’re interested in hosting and domains you should visit the Crohoster web page, and if you need VPS servers, SSL certifications there is the Nodefusion web page.

These information is available on the Crohoster and Nodefusion Facebook, as well as on the Twitter pages.




Why redesign?

After a couple of years, we decided to make some changes with our brands and their websites. The plan was to modernize and get a new look and feel. We are working on design and visual identity all the time, aiming for recognizability of the brands. The main goal was to reorganize whole websites to help visitors to find things easier.

“Less is more”

The decision was to focus on a minimalist flat design. Shadows, textures and gradients are old fashioned. Beside that, flat designed websites load faster. Colors have lower hue, which is more eye friendly. We hope you’ll like it.

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