Category Microsoft Cloud Services

Pohrana podataka u oblaku



Sigurno ste čuli priče kako čuvanje slika i ostalih dokumenata nije sigurno u oblaku, jer bi ih neki hacker mogao sve pobrisati. Želimo vas razuvjeriti i ukratko objasniti kako usluge u oblaku mogu pojednostaviti vaš život, ali i poslovanje. Vjerojatno koristite neki od besplatnih cloud servisa u privatne svrhe , a da toga niste ni svjesni.

Gdje je oblak (cloud)?

Kad spremimo datoteku lokalno na računalo, točno znamo gdje se nalazi – na našem hard disku. Važne dokumente možemo poslati sami sebi na email, spremiti ga na USB stick te na taj način imati dodatnu kopiju. Čuvanje dokumenata na računalu može biti riskantno jer može doći do katastrofe, od rušenja operativnog sustava, do kvara hard diska, itd.

Najbolje rješenje bila bi pohrana datoteka u oblaku. No, gdje je zapravo taj oblak?

Najjednostavnije rečeno – oblak je pojam koji označava mrežu servera koji se nalaze na nekoj lokaciji. Dakle, ne spremate podatke na nešto neopipljivo, nestvarno, lebdeće na nebu, već na stvarne fizičke servere kojima pristupate putem internetske veze.

Na temelju dugogodišnjeg iskustva, za poslovne potrebe preporučamo OneDrive za tvrtke. Osim sigurnosti koju jamči uporaba navedenog servisa, OneDrive nudi mogućnosti koje čine današnje poslovanje jednostavnijim.

Koje su prednosti cloud servisa?

Mobilnost – pristup dokumentima sa svih uređaja koje posjedujete, bez obzira na operativni sustav. OneDrive za tvrtke moguće je koristiti na računalima, tabletima te pametnim telefonima, na iOS, Android te Windows platformama.

Sinkronizacija – Dokumenti se sinkroniziraju na način da svi uređaji imaju posljednju verziju dokumenata.

Jednostavna organizacija – Pohrana slika, video sadržaja i dokumenata po folderima slično kao i na računalu.

Uređivanje dokumenata – OneDrive podržava uređivanje Office dokumenata (Word Online, PowerPoint Online, Excel Online) i to sve preko web preglednika.


Jesu li moji podaci sigurni u oblaku?

Postoji nekoliko načina kako osigurati vlastite dokumente u oblaku

1. Kreirajte kompliciraniji password
2. Ojačajte svoj account brojem mobilnog telefona, rezervnom email adresom te sigurnosnim pitanjem za dodatnu verifikaciju kod prijave
3. Postavite verifikaciju u 2 koraka ukoliko računu pristupate s nepouzdanih uređaja
4. Napravite dodatne sigurnosne kopije svojih datoteka

Možete mirno spavati jer vam podaci neće nestati; OneDrive štiti podatke od zatajenja infrastrukture spremajući mnogostruke kopije svake datoteke na više servera.


Windows Server 2016 Now Available From 3 PRO


3 PRO can now offer the newest cloud-ready operating system – Windows Server 2016, which delivers security, efficiency, and innovation to organizations of all sizes. It supports both your current workloads, and a seamless transition to the Cloud.

What’s new?

  • New deployment options
  • Built-in Containers
  • Cost-efficient Storage
  • Innovative Networking
  • Security layers

Fortified Operating System



Windows Server 2016 includes protection against malicious attacks on your system. In case someone finds a way into your environment, built-in security layers will detect suspicious activities and limit the damage.

  • Protect your Virtual Machines – Shielded Virtual Machines feature encrypts VMs using BitLocker and ensures they run only on healthy hosts
  • Secure Admin Credentials – with Credential Guard and Remote Credential Guard, administrator credentials are safe from Pass-the-Hash attacks
  • Protect the Operating System – Control Flow Guard prevents memory corruption attacks, and protects on-premises or cloud applications
  • Quick Detection – detect malicious behavior using Operation Management Suite Insights & Analytics tools to set up alerts
  • Application Isolation – container-based applications are protected with Hyper-V containers

Be more efficient


You desire lower costs with greater flexibility? Windows Server 2016 is an automated and resilient operating system that brings additional features and control, and also provides a robust software storage layer – inline with today’s converged and hyperconverged industry trends. It helps to reduce storage management costs and increase data center efficiency.

  • it’s easy to migrate workloads from on-premises to a Windows Server VM in the Cloud
  • virtual machines have built-in security for virtualized workloads
  • it’s possible to upgrade Hyper-V and scale-out File Server clusters to Windows Server 2016 without downtime
  • deploy applications on multiple operating systems
  • Nano Server installation helps to increase availability and reduce resource usage

Innovate faster


Developers want that applications in production work the same way as they do on their own machines. Help them to create on-premises and cloud application using containers, microservices, and Nano Server:

  • run current applications without modifying them
  • move existing apps to containers with little or no code changes
  • build Cloud and hybrid apps using containers (Nano Server, Azure Service Fabric, and Windows Server) to build, test and deploy

Upgrade to the Windows Server 2016 today!

Modern Local Government – Solutions Based on Internet Intelligent Devices for Smartphones



Microsoft Croatia organized a free seminar intended for local governments. In 20 minutes we presented on how to improve everyday operations and raise productivity.

Here are a few solutions that we have talked about:

Find Parking

Searches free public parking spaces – sensor signals the state of parking spaces to the cloud, which allows the user to have real-time insight into free parking spots – via the web or a mobile application.
Benefits: avoid traffic jams, reduce fuel consumption, reduce pollution, generate statistics on traffic jams at different times


Measures air quality (PM, CO, NO2, and CO2 concentration), temperature, humidity, UV radiation, and noise – mobile sensors record information and store them in the cloud, either for internal or public use.
Benefits: environment monitoring via smart data display (GPS and maps), alarms based on the measured values

Smart Public Transit

A solution which provides last-minute ticket purchasing or public transport subscription renewal.
Benefits: online ticket purchasing, ticket history tracking, notifications on ticket expiration

Power BI – Cloud data presentation & analytics

A suite for presentation and comparison of different business data (from new or existing databases), and real-time interaction with reports.


Microsoft Office 365 – SharePoint Online – Intranet system for information management

Perfect for archiving and document classification, allows for quick and easy searching, versioning and change recording, and provides you with the possibility to work on any device from anywhere.


CRM Online

Online relationship management system for interactions with citizens. Enables question submission, response status monitoring, and citizen satisfaction measurement.


G2C (Government to Citizen) – e-business system

A web portal and mobile application for end users – citizens. It provides information about transactions, possible financial debt, and payment information.

In case you are interested in these solutions, contact us and arrange a meeting. We offer consulting services, IT implementation, maintenance and support, system designing and development.

Photo Gallery

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New Office 365 Enterprise E5 Plan



We would like to present a new premium productivity and collaboration suite for customers of all sizes – Office 365 E5 corporate plan, which is built for teams focused on analytics and online meetings. The E5 plan brings new features, including Skype for Business PSTN meetings and voice services, and new security and analytics capabilities. The most interesting feature is cloud-based call management which combines PSTN calling with cloud PBX, Skype Meeting Broadcast, and PSTN conferencing.

What does Office 365 E5 include?

E5 includes: unlimited email, all the social tools (Yammer, SharePoint Online, Office 365 video), the Office suite for PC and Mac (including Access for Windows users), Mobile Office for iOS, Android or Windows, Skype for Business web conferencing, and OneDrive for Business online storage and document collaboration.

It also contains several features that cost extra for E4 and E3: Advanced Threat Protection for secure attachments and URLs, Cloud PBX, PSTN Conferencing , PSTN Calling, Delve Analytics, and Power BI Pro.

Choose Office 365 to modernize your communications and bring your collaboration to a new level.

Feel free to email us and find out which Office 365 plan fits perfectly into your organization!

Skype for Business Collaborative Workplace



Skype Rooms

Last week Microsoft rebranded Lync into Skype for Business. It was announced that Video Conferencing Solutions – Skype Rooms – will be provided by Polycom. The new series of video collaboration solutions is called Polycom RoundTable®; an affordable and easy-to-use video solution for small and midsized businesses and teams, including voice, video and content collaboration.

Skype and Office 365

Skype for Business will be fully functional in the Cloud. Microsoft is partnering with big telecommunications companies in order to make this possible. Their plan is to integrate Enterprise Voice into Office 365, so that Customers will be able to call people on any phone.

Skype for Business is coming in April and it will be available to Office 365 customers, as well as for on-premises deployments. You’ll be able to connect with your colleagues and with anyone who has a Skype account.

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